A.D. Pirous


Born in Meulaboh, March 11 1932, A. D. Pirous was graduated from Department of Fine Arts, majored in Art Education Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung. A. D. Pirous then studied Printmaking and Graphic Design Rochester Institute of Technology, the Department of Arts, Rochester, New York.

A. D. Pirous had several times of solo exhibition, in 1985 “Retrospective Exhibition: Painting, Etching and Serigraphy, 1960-1985” at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, 2002 “ Retrospective Exhibition II, Vision. Faith, and a Journey in Indonesian Arts 1955 – 2002” at Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta, 2003 “Rereading the Journey of A. D. Pirous (1964-2003)”, at Nasional Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, 2012 “Ja’u Timu, Mengarahlah ke Timur, 80 years A. D. Pirous”, at Selasar Sunaryo Art Space, Bandung, 2015 “Verses of Universe”, at The University of Malaya Art Gallery & Museum, Kuala Lumpur. He was awarded Satya Lencana Kebudayaan (Longlife Cultural Achievement), awarded by the President of the Republik of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri (2002), Anugrah Adhikarya Rupa 2014, awarded by The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia, Mari Elka Pangestu (2014), and Habibie Award (Culture Achievement), awarded by Habibie Center (2015).


Featured Work

A.D. Pirous

Seek Knowledge Even Though to China! IIA

Islam has united its people since seventh century AD with concepts centered on the vertical relationship with God (Hablul Minal Allah) and horizontal interaction with others (Hablul Minal Nash). A well-known saying from the time of the prophet Muhammad SAW is, “Uthlubul Ilmu walau bi shin”, which translates to ‘Seek Knowledge even through to China’, as shown in the painting. This proverb promotes global dialogue on science and human civilization and demonstrates the equality of nations in terms of diverse cultural practices.


Kura Kura Bali

Bali - Indonesia

Open Hours

Monday - Friday: 10am – 5pm
Weekends: 10am – 9pm
Holidays: Closed

