Sid Natividad Philippines Sid Natividad is a Filipino contemporary artist renowned for his photorealistic paintings that depict a world submerged in water. Through his work, he listens to and reflects on the intricate dialogues between humanity and nature. The...
Ragnar Axelsson Iceland For over 40 years, Ragnar Axelsson, also known as Rax, has been capturing the people, animals, and landscapes of the most remote regions of the Arctic, including Iceland, Siberia, and Greenland. His stark black-and-white photography reveals the...
Michel Tuffery New Zealand Manuia le aso. Kia orana. Ia ora na. Michel Tuffery is a New Zealand-based artist of Samoan, Rarotongan and Ma’ohi Tahitian heritage. Within his art practice he plays the role of working “in between” people and places, and focusing a fresh...
Mariam M. Alnoaimi Bahrain Mariam M. Alnoaimi (b. 1990, Manama, Bahrain, where she lives and works) earned her BA in Interior Design from the University of Bahrain (2013) and her MA in Urban Design from the University of Colorado (2017). Her work has been exhibited in...
Katie Holten Ireland KATIE HOLTEN is an artist, activist and author of the bestselling book, The Language of Trees. She represented Ireland at the 50th Venice Biennale. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including solo exhibitions at Bronx Museum of the...